README Links LS patch to upgrade from version 1.00 to 1.30 11/22/96 CHANGES AND FIXES IN LINKS LS VERSION 1.10 - Fixed various bugs when removing players. - Fixed a bug with some video cards continuously doing initial setup. - Fixed various statistical bugs. - Fixed a bug which disallowed commas and asterisks during modem dialing. - Fixed a bug which caused bogus object collisions. - Fixed a bug associated with left and right clicking while aiming. - Fixed a bug associated with verifying and converting Links386 courses. - Fixed a bug during verify/convert of a Links386 course from drive B. - Fixed a bug associated with waggle and full swing animations. - Fixed a bug with wave file extraction in sound scripts. - Fixed a bug in the championship level mishit penalty. - Change to allow OS/2 users to continue after bogus CPU check. - Change to automatically close flybys at completion. - Change to tracer button's tool tip to show on/off state. - Changed to Sci-tech's UniVESA version 5.3. - Updated the HELP system. - Added IPX Network compatibility. This addition will allow network play without requiring a shared directory and will also allow play over the internet through an IPX compatible server such as KALI. See below or refer to the updated HELP system for more information. - Added wind state to recorded games. - Added a new "Recorded Players" dialog to allow the review of all recorded games. To access this dialog, click the RECORDED PLAYERS button on Options, Course Selection, or the Player Selection screen. Refer to the updated Help system for more information on this new dialog and how to determine if a recorded game is compatible with your version of Links LS. (See the Note below.) - Adjusted ball dynamics to dis-allow extra long rolls and to produce more realistic flight conditions out of the rough and sand. NOTE: This change in the ball dynamics invalidates all previous recorded games. A new dialog has been added to help players review data for all recorded games and determine whether the games are compatible. To access this dialog, click the RECORDED PLAYERS button on Options, Course Selection, or the Player Selection screen. USING KALI TO PLAY A LINKS LS IPX GAME. Information on KALI and other services are available at Once you have installed KALI and are On-Line, follow the steps below to play a Links LS IPX game. 1. Make a KALI connection. 2. Select a KALI server. (To locate other Links LS players, check the 'AXXIS SERVER' or if it exists, the 'LINKSLS SERVER') 3. Create a Links LS game as follows: a) Click 'GAMES', then click 'CONFIGURE MENU'. b) Choose one of the 10 games to be your Links LS game. c) At 'Menu Title', type LinksLS (or whatever you want). d) At 'Program', use BROWSE to find the directory on your hard disk that contains Links LS and then select 'LS.EXE'. This is the program that will launch Links LS. e) At 'Directory', type the directory path from step (d) above. f) At 'Icon', use BROWSE to find the LS.ICO file which will be in your Links LS directory if you have upgraded to ver 1.10. 4. You can contact other Links LS players by either of the following methods: a) While in KALI, enter a 'Links LS' chat room. b) Double click on the Links LS icon in KALI to start Links LS. Select MODEM/NETWORK from the main screen and then select NETWORK(IPX). Enter your name and any additional info about yourself and click OK. A list of other Links LS players on KALI will be displayed. For additional information regarding networks, sockets, or other ipx topics, please refer to the Links LS on-line help. CHANGES AND FIXES IN LINKS LS VERSION 1.20 - Fixed CD loading bug caused by 1.10 patch CHANGES AND FIXES IN LINKS LS VERSION 1.30 - Fixed a sound library edit bug. - Fixed a bug introduced by ver 1.10 that stopped the Links LS icon from working correctly. - Fixed a 'view saved shot' bug. - Fixed a rare ball flight bug caused by a FIFO buffer overflow. - Made a change to allow a 9 hole match play game to finish as soon as the winner is determined. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If you install and play LinksLS under Win95 and then apply this patch under DOS, your LinksLS shortcut/icon will no longer work. To fix this problem, under Win95, go to your LINKSLS directory and rename the file LINKSL~1.PIF to LINKSLSPIF.PIF. NOTE: If you have installed from a European Version that is copy protected, DO NOT APPLY THIS PATCH!!! NOTE: Applying this patch will force a reconfiguration of your LinksLS video!!! TO APPLY THIS PATCH... 1. Ensure that your current version is 1.00. (If you attempt to run this patch on any version other than 1.00 it will not make any changes.) 2. Copy the file '100TO130.EXE' into your Links LS directory. 3. If you're in Win95, open a DOS box. 4. Make sure you're in the Links LS directory. 5. Type: 100TO130 [enter] (This will extract the 3 patch files: 100-130.BAT, PATCH.EXE, and 100TO130.RTP) 6. Type: 100-130 [enter] (This will run the patch program and upgrade the Links LS files to version 1.30. At the completion of the patch process, the 3 patch files will be deleted)